Yesterday VMware has released VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.2. The new release improves the network efficiency, enhances security and delivers some operational enhancements.
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On August 14th VMware released the Update d for VCSA 6.7.0.
With this update VMware fixes security issues related to CVE-2018-3646
The full information about the vCenter updates can be found here:Â
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0c Release Notes
Version: vCenter Server 6.7.0c (
Build: 9451876
How to update the VCSA can be found here:
How to upgrade the VCSA from an earlier version can be found here:
This was the subject of the mail I’ve got yesterday.
YAY! Thanks for recognizing, it is a honor for me. It was my second attempt to get it. Now it was successful.
Congratulation to all new and renewed NSX vExperts.
vExpert NSX 2018 Award Announcement
VMware reports an error where the tmpfs partition on NSX 6.3.6 and NSX 6.4.1 could run out of space. The file /run/vmware/vshield/cmdOut/ha.cid.Out grows up and fills the temporary file system completly.
Continue readingYesterday a long awaited shippment arrived. The new storage for our vSphere environment is here :)
Our old SAN gets replaced by a FlashArray X from Pure Storage. Pure is a company with a new fresh support and sustainability approach. In the next days/weeks I will post more about the setup. Now I only can show the unboxing and hardware installation.
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