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Category: VMware (Page 24 of 28)

Upgrade vCSA 5.5 to vCSA 6.0 fails with vPostgres firstboot error

In my previous posts I wrote about the upgrade of vCSA (vCenter Server Appliance) from version 5.5 to 6.0.
In all my lab testing the upgrade runs without any errors. On our production site I was doing the upgrade and the migration went fine until the new appliance boots for the first time.

The services start all until the vPostgres database starts. Something in the upgrade script gives back an error. Installation abort and I must boot the old vCSA 5.5.

VMware closed my call, because of an unsupported way getting vCenter Server for Windows to the vCSA 5.5. Everything runs in the vCSA 5.5. The upgrade fails and with the migrated database there is no support.

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Upgrade vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 to 6.0

As I advertised here is my upgrade how-to for vCSA (vCenter Server Appliance) 5.5 to vCSA 6.0.

In my previous post I show the “workaround” to get a vCS (vCenter Server) 5.5 installed on a Windows Server 2012 R2 on a Windows Server 2008 R2.
After this migration it was possible to Migrate Windows vCenter Server 5.5 to vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 with the VMware Fling vCS to vCSA Converter.

Now its time to get the Version of vCSA from 5.5 to 6.0

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Migrate Windows vCenter Server 5.5 to vCenter Server Appliance 5.5

The VMware Labs engineers created a converter machine to migrate your vCenter Server 5.5 installed on a Microsoft Windows Server to the vCenter Server Appliance.

This guide shows the steps to successful migrate the data.


With the experience I’ve made I could not recommend the use of the Fling in production. I’ve tested several times the conversion in Testlab without any errors. But the database of our production seems to have many object which are not upgradeable from vCSA 5.5 to vCSA 6. The Upgrade fails in a vPostgres firstboot error.

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