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Upgrade NSX 6.4.0 to 6.4.1

Phew! A lot to do the last weeks. Found a little time to upgrade our NSX installation from 6.4.0 to 6.4.1. But there was no time to bring it to the blog :(
Now I can see a small light at the end of the tunnel and could write it down :)

Back in May VMware released the new version of NSX in version 6.4.1. If you plan to upgrade your installation, I’ve written the steps to complete it.

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VCSA 6.7.0b released

This week VMware released the Update b for VCSA 6.7.0.

With this update VMware fixes a security issue regarding the hypervisor-assisted guest mitigation of CVE-2018-3639 for guest operating systems

The full information about the vCenter updates can be found here:
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0b Release Notes

Version: vCenter Server 6.7.0b (
Build: 8832884

How to update the VCSA can be found here:

Upgrade VCSA 6.5 to 6.7

The last days VCSA 6.7.0a gets GA. In this post I want to show the upgrade from VCSA 6.5 U1 to VCSA 6.7.0 (not a). In my other post (Update VCSA 6.7) I’ve made the update from 6.7.0 to 6.7.0a.

First thing to know is, there is no support to upgrade from 6.5 U2 to 6.7.0! So, if you are planning to update your existing VCSA 6.5 to Update 2 you have to wait for the (maybe) VCSA 6.7 Update 1 to migrate to 6.7.

For example there is also no support from Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 3 for vSphere 6.7 ( Support will come with the next update.
(26thJun18 Veeam B& R 9.5 Update 3a is availiable)

VMware has made an KB article with important information before upgrade (

Now lets start with the upgrade

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VMware NSX 6.4.1 – New Features

If you are a NSX customer one of the biggest show stopper for upgrading to vSphere 6.7 was that NSX 6.4.0 only was supported up to vSphere 6.5. Now with the availability of NSX 6.4.1 this is gone. But this is not the only good news. NSX 6.4.1 includes many new features.


Read more to find out whats new within HTML5 Client support, Identity Firewall and much more…

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