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Category: vSphere (Page 11 of 12)

Upgrade vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 to 6.0

As I advertised here is my upgrade how-to for vCSA (vCenter Server Appliance) 5.5 to vCSA 6.0.

In my previous post I show the “workaround” to get a vCS (vCenter Server) 5.5 installed on a Windows Server 2012 R2 on a Windows Server 2008 R2.
After this migration it was possible to Migrate Windows vCenter Server 5.5 to vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 with the VMware Fling vCS to vCSA Converter.

Now its time to get the Version of vCSA from 5.5 to 6.0

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Migrate Windows vCenter Server 5.5 to vCenter Server Appliance 5.5

The VMware Labs engineers created a converter machine to migrate your vCenter Server 5.5 installed on a Microsoft Windows Server to the vCenter Server Appliance.

This guide shows the steps to successful migrate the data.


With the experience I’ve made I could not recommend the use of the Fling in production. I’ve tested several times the conversion in Testlab without any errors. But the database of our production seems to have many object which are not upgradeable from vCSA 5.5 to vCSA 6. The Upgrade fails in a vPostgres firstboot error.

VMware Flings are not offical software releases from VMware.
Your support might be obolete by using this Fling.
Read the Technical Preview Agreement

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Workaround for migrating W2k12 vCenter Server 5.5 to vCenter Server Appliance 5.5

The VMware Labs engineers built a fling to migrate a vCenter Server installed on a Windows Server to the vCenter Server Appliance.

For me the greatest limitation is that Windows Server 2012 a higher isn’t supported yet. Because of “winexe-bug” the migration appliance could not get the data from the source machine. William Lam told me that the engineers know about this issue and hopes that it would be fixed soon.

For all of you who could not wait… maybe I’ve a workaround.

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vCenter 5.5 upgrade to 6.0 works (NOT) like a charm, or maybe…

After testing a new installation of vCenter 6.0 in my nested environment at work I wanted to test the upgrade from 5.5 to 6.0.

I was thinking all settings for database roles, users and schema which were good enough for the installation of 5.5 would be okay for 6.0. But first the install guide says “no”. So I’ve checked all settings in my database and added missing ones. We use VC_Admin and VC_User roles instead of DBOwner because best practise of VMware recommend this as way #1

I wanted to set


Here I get the first failure. SP_LOCK is not a dbo-procedure but a sys-procedure. So you can set this permission only on master and not on msdb database. I’ve set this permission via GUI, but I think this will not fix my problem.

All packages,except vCenter Server, gets updated successfully. Nearly to the end of the vCenter Server Update I get an error while updating the database and the installation gets removed.

After the I’ve changed the DB Roles to DBOwner for vpxuser in msdb and vcdb.

With these settings I could update the vCenter Server.

Almost everythings worked as it should. The only problem was Backup Exec 2015. None of the “old” and functional backup jobs or newly created one time backups could create a snapshot over the vCenter Server. For this problem you find my blogpost here http://blog.ganser.com/666.


Related documents:

vSphere 6.0 Documentation
vSphere 6.0 Documentation – Prepare Database

vCenter Server 6.0 and Backup Exec 2015 in some cases incompatible!

Today I’ve upgraded our vCenter Server from 5.5 to 6.0. Our BackupAdmin has upgraded the Backup Server one week before and all worked fine.

The upgrade on my nested vSphere test environment  works fine too. The backup and restore tests runs over the vCenter 6 with all the ESXi 5.5 and 6 servers. *damn*

Now in our production environment the upgrade runs an all services works. After starting the test backup for one virtual machine i get the following error:

Job ended: Wednesday, 17 Jun 2015 at 9:03:05 PM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0x200095bf - A failure occured while locking the virtual machine in place for backup/restore operations.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-8192-38335


Update 30.10.2015:

With Backup Exec 15 revision 1180 Feature Pack 1 the problem could be solved. Thx to Alex Millà for his comment. I also could reproduce it in my environment and the error is away.

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